jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014


Due to its geographical characteristic English architecture has evolved differently from the rest of European countries  specific forms, that makes English architecture quite unique.

It`s important to mention that British architecture`s history can be considered a very complex and extended one, as we can`t find a strict timeline  between periods and architectural styles. However, we can roughly organize topics of different building styles in a chronological order, considering that many architectural styles were used in the same building at the same time.

Buckingham Palace

In this blog we are going to present the main characteristics of Ghotic Cathedrals, the evolution of Castles through different historical periods and the most important Cathedrals ever built in Great Britain. In order to test your knowledge about our topic we would be more than happy if you could answer to the following questionnaire.

Gothic Cathedrals

 Gothic architecture flourished during the high and late medieval period. It first appeared in the North of France around the 2nd half of the 12th Century. This new style had evolved from the previous Romanesque style, and was later succeeded by the Renaissance style, originated in Italy. Gothic architecture was first used during the construction of churches in Paris, though shortly after it would spread throughout Europe, having a great impact in England.
Though now known by the name of Gothic, this term was not used back in the Medieval period, being referred to as The French style at that time because of having been originated in France. It was not until the latter part of the Renaissance when the term Gothic first appeared to refer to that kind of architecture which had been carried out in previous times, being the very nature of the name due to the fact that it was an architectural style which was not based upon classical foundations like the Renaissance one.

The main feature of British Gothic cathedrals was the pointed arch, which thanks to its innovative design it enabled more weight to be supported and so cathedrals could reach higher heights without the risk of falling down.
Apart from this element there were more innovations as for the architecture, thus the ribbed  vault substituted the previous wooden roofs which tended to be burned down very easily. 

                                            The Parish Church of St Mary Redcliffe

Reference List:

Morris, Edd. Edd Morris and Exploring-Castles.com. 2011-2014. Mayo de 2014. <http://www.exploringcastles.com/characteristics_of_gothic_architecture.html#.U34PgvmzJ8E>.

Spanswick, Valerie. Smarthistory. s.f. <http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/english-gothic-architecture.html>.
Spain Then and Now. 2009. <http://www.spainthenandnow.com/spanish-architecture/gothic-architecture-background/default_174.aspx>.

The Castle and Architectural Styles in Great Britain

In the Medieval Age, there were implemented Motte and Bailey Castles that provided a simple Design and were Quick to Build. In the middle of the 12th century, most of the Motte and Bailey Castles were converted into “Keeps” providing a Norman rectangular design. By the middle of the 13th century was implemented a new design for defensive operations that originated the “Edwardian” castle or the Concentric Castle

      During the Tudor Period was confirmed an increase in  the use of Renaissance style and the bloom of Perpendicular Gothic. It was focused on details and decoration and this period was responsible for the rising of Brick Built Castles. There were no Castles built in the Elizabethan Period because Castles became Palace and it was confirmed a comeback to Norman and Medieval periods. It has changed from the Gothic style to the more clear Renaissance Style that was symmetrical. Power and supremacy were changed for luxury and comfort. 
      The Georgian style enfolds the 18th century and it was strongly influenced by the classic design of Greece and Rome, which originated new architectural styles such as Baroque, Palladian, Neo- Classical, Greek Revival and Italianate. The Victorian Age was about a comeback to the traditional British architectural styles, the most popular being the Tudor, Medieval and Italianate styles. The early Victorians had an addiction for decoration and details, but in the late Victorian times the style became simpler, using traditional vernacular models.  

Early Modern Palaces (Hampton Court, England)

      Reference List:

Alchin, Linda. Architecture of Elizabethan Castles. 2012. <http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/architecture-of-elizabethan-castles.htm>.
Castles of England/Tudor Castles. 2013. <http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Castles_of_England/Tudor_Castles>.
Ross, David. Castles in England and Wales. 2014. <http://www.britainexpress.com/History/castles.htm>.
 —. Elizabethan Architecture in England 1550-1625. 2014 <http://www.britainexpress.com/architecture/elizabethan.htm>.
—. Georgian Architecture. 2014. <http://www.britainexpress.com/architecture/georgian.htm>.
—. Tudor Architecture in England 1500-1575. 2014. <http://www.britainexpress.com/architecture/tudor.htm>.
—. Victorian Art and Architecture. 2014. <http://www.britainexpress.com/History/victorian_art_and_architecture.htm>.

Palaces in Victorian Period

The most representative Palaces, in the Victorian period are considered to be: St. James Palace, Buckhingham Palace and Crystal Palace.

St. James Palace is accepted to be one of the most oldest palaces in Great Britain. It has been used during centuries as an official residence as well as for ceremonial purposes by the royalty. Although it was built between 1531-1536 under the reign of Henry VIII, it was restored by the architect Inigo Jones in 1620´s so, the palace nowadays presents many characteristics of Baroque architecture. In the palace complex we find the palace itself and two chapels attached to it: The Royal Chapel and the Queen´s chapel. Both of them are open to the public  only for select services but the palace itself is not accessible to the audience.

Buckhingham Palace was built in 1705 for the duke of Buckingham. Nowadays, it is the official residence of England´s Queen and this palace presents many utilities such as to receive the most important hosts on state and also it is used to celebrate important official events as well as ceremonies for the royalty. This huge palace contains 19 State rooms in which we can find great paintings and the most finest French and English furniture. Besides, this palace presents ballrooms for special occasions and wonderful gardens. The gardens are open to the public in August and September while the Queen performs her annual visit to Balmoral.
Everyday in summer the audience can see a ceremony called Changing the Guard which takes place in the forecourt of Buckhingham Palace at 11:30 p.m. the ceremony lasts about 45 minutes and it is free to watch. Basically, The ceremony consists on the New Guard leave from Wellington Barracks to the Palace with a Guard Band, and the Old Guard hangs over in which during the sentries are changed and then returns to Barracks.

Crystal Palace was the only one palace built for the most important British events performed in 19th century: The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. Tis exhibition was arranged by two important characters of this period: Henry Coe and Prince Albert (Queen Victoria´s husband) and it was performed inside The Crystal Palace designed by the architect Joseph Paxton only for this event. This building was located in Hyde Park, London and it was made by glass and iron basically.
An important factor to point out is that the Great Exhibition helped people to believe in the royal family as a model of family for the entire country. Besides, this event was important to welcome people to industrialization that was taking place in Britain at that moment.
Cearly, The Great Exhibition was still regarded as one of the most important gatherings of all time.

Crystal Palace


BBC Home. 2004. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml>.
Mellamy, David. Wealth Management at st. James Palace. 2014. <http://www1.sjp.co.uk/>.
Tourist Information UK. 2014. <http://www.tourist-information-uk.com/buckingham-palace.htm>.

Prezi Presentation - British Architecture

We gladly accepted the challenge to work with one of the best presentation softwares that allowed us to improve our technological skills and to "play" with our creativity as much as possible. We divided our presentation in 3 parts: Gothic Cathedrals, Castles and Palaces, having the architectural styles as main subject over the whole presentation. Take a look to our Presentation and see how our ideas have been built and exposed with this marvelous software presentation .

Webpages and Digital Resources

If you are excited to get more information about the history of Castles in Great Britain and how they evolved from the Medieval age tp the Victorian.the following resources are more than useful to get you back in time and discover the mystery of each architectural style and the respective period.

http://www.britainexpress.com/History/castles.htm -  It gives us a short introduction about the first designs of castle ever built: Motte and Bailey Castles, Keeps, Concentric Design.
http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/architecture-of-elizabethan-castles.htm   - It provides interesting facts and information about Architecture of Elizabethan 'Castles'.
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Castles_of_England/Tudor_Castles -  It shortly focuses on the main characteristics of that period, making an introduction of Brick Built Castles. 
      http://www.britainexpress.com/architecture/elizabethan.htm - It affords us a more detailed information about the comeback to Norman and Medieval periods and the significance of Renaissance style.
      http://www.britainexpress.com/architecture/georgian.htm -  It covers the main characteristics of Georgian period: Classical influence, Country Houses, Baroque vs. Classicism and Palladianism.

                                                 Herstmonceux Castle in East Sussex

      If you are still not very persuaded by the Gothic Cathedrals, these websites will end up convincing you about how interesting this topic is, not only because of the great information provided, but also thanks to the images offered.

       http://www.exploring-castles.com/characteristics_of_gothic_architecture.html - It is an interesting website providing information in an attractive and easily readable manner about the main features of Gothic cathedrals.
      http://www.spainthenandnow.com/spanish-architecture/gothic-architecture-background/default_174.aspx - It is space which also provides information about the background and characteristics of Gothic cathedrals but in a more thorough way, with more amount of information.
http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/english-gothic-architecture.html - It is a very well-organised and eye-catching website which shows several images of the elements conforming the Gothic cathedrals, and moreover it offers the possibility to go to other section with related information.

If you are interested in learning more about Palaces in Victorian period, these following webpages will provide you some captivating information about this Era.
http://www.victorianweb.org/victorian/history/1851/index.html - This website is a general outline which focuses on architecture of Crystal palace. Besides, it gives you in a more detail its influences and materials used for the designing of this palace.
http://history1800s.about.com/od/emergenceofindustry/ss/Great-Exhibition-1851.html - It is a very good web page focusing on history in which you can learn more about the Great Exhibition that had an important influence in British Industrialization.
      http://www.royal.gov.uk/theroyalresidences/thechapelsroyal/thechapelsroyal.aspx - It is a very detailed website if you are interested in this palace specifically. It provides a lot of information about st. James Palace.